A Case Study of Two Villages in Chamwino and Bahi Districts of Dodoma Region The study assessed the role of rural
Integrating Traditional and Modern Knowledge Systems in Improving Agricultural Productivity in Upper-Kitete Village, Tanzania
This study examined the integration of traditional environmental knowledge systems (TEKS) and modern environmental
The Impact of Gazetting the Derema Forest Corridor in Tanzania on Community Livelihoods and Forest Conservation
This study examines the gazetting of Derema Forest Corridor (DFC) in the Usambara Mountains of north-eastern Tanzania to
The Impact of Gazetting the Derema Forest Corridor in Tanzania on Community Livelihoods and Forest Conservation
This study examines the gazetting of Derema Forest Corridor (DFC) in the Usambara Mountains of north-eastern Tanzania to
Factors Affecting Participation in a Civil Society Network (Nangonet) in Ngara District
Civil society networks are currently understood by academics and practitioners to be an important pillar of development
Socio-Economic Factors Limiting Smallholder Groundnut Production in Tabora Region
Groundnut is among the most important crops for smallholder farmers in Tanzania, providing both food and income for
Structural Barriers, Constraints, and Urban Youth Employment The Case of Ilala Municipality, Dar-es-Salaam
The growing rural-to-urban migration, which is dominated by young people aged 15–35, is increasing the urban youth
Structural Barriers, Constraints, and Urban Youth Employment
The Case of Ilala Municipality, Dar-es-Salaam This study investigates the constraints that urban youth face in their
Supporting Tanzania’s Cocoa Farmers
Background to the study: Agriculture is the leading sector of the Tanzanian economy and the most critical for inclusive
The Effect of Boards on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions
Evidence from Tanzania and Kenya Although microfinance institutions (MFIs) are the most prominent providers of
The Growth of Micro and Small, Cluster-Based Furniture-Manufacturing Firms and their Implications for Poverty Reduction in Tanzania
Micro, small, and medium manufacturing enterprises (MSMEs) offer good examples of firm clustering and incipient entry
Affordability and Expenditure Patterns for Electricity and Kerosene in Urban Households in Tanzania
Using data from the Household Budget Survey 2007, this study examines two main issues: i) the affordability of kerosene,
Creating Space for Child Participation in Local Governance in Tanzania
Save the Children and Children’s Councils This paper focuses on the model of community participation developed by
Determinants of Rural Income in Tanzania
An Empirical Approach This study conducted an econometric analysis of data from the 2005 Tanzania Rural Investment
Widowhood and Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS Related Shocks
Exploring Resilience Avenues This study explored the contexts and factors under which violation of the inheritance
Poverty and the Rights of Children at Household Level
Findings from Same and Kisarawe Districts, Tanzania This study examined the relationship between poverty at the