Two of the most important global issues today are pervasive poverty and problems related to environmental degradation.
Foreign Aid, Grassroots Participation and Poverty Alleviation in Tanzania
The HESAWA Fiasco The study set out to examine foreign aid effectiveness in the poverty alleviation in rural Tanzania.
Credit Schemes and Women’s Empowerment for Poverty Alleviation
The Case of Tanga Region, Tanzania The study set out to assess the extent of empowerment of low-income women at the
Youth Migration and Poverty Alleviation
A Case Study of Petty Traders (Wamachinga) in Dar es Salaam This study begins with a proposition that there is a
Labour Constraints, Population Dynamics and the AIDS Epidemic
The Case of Rural Bukoba District, Tanzania Poverty, though noted to have no universally agreed definition, is given
The Use of Labour-Intensive Irrigation Technologies in Alleviating Poverty in Majengo, Mbeya Rural District
This study investigates the role of small-scale labour-intensive irrigation technologies on poverty alleviation among
Educational Background, Training and Their Influence on Female-Operated Informal Sector Enterprises
The need for this study arose due to the increasing role that women are playing in petty trade and what is generally
The Impact of Technology on Poverty Alleviation
The Case of Artisanal Mining in Tanzania Small-scale artisanal mining in Tanzania involving minerals such as gold,